There's something very important to notice about this article. I reads very much like it was written for Faux News.
First, a study is published, and the immediate reaction is Whoa! Wait a minute! Now I'm all in favor of that attitude to press releases from partisan groups. It's really too bad reporters don't do this more often.
But the only economist who is mentioned by name is Krugman, who is likely to be dismissed out of hand by Faux's target audience. Then they start with the Faux News stock source for truly authoritative quotes, "Some People." If they can't get a quote from "Some People," they'll call "The people I talk to."
And in looking at the cuts in government spending and their contribution to economic losses, they still don't quite seem to understand that "the government" is not quite the same thing as "the federal government."
Study: Congress’s budget battles have cost the economy $700 billion so far
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