Friday, November 29, 2013

No program of their own...

...Or at least none they'll admit to. So their only strategy is to keep anybody else from succeeding.

Rooting for Failure -

Th reality, of course, is that they do have a program. They want to make sure that all the mistakes other people make have dire consequences, so they can self-righteously proclaim that it's their own fault they're poor. They want to enforce their own brand of religious bigotry, but scream bloody murder when the traditions of others are afforded some respect.

But most of all, they want to make sure that the idle rich pay no taxes on their ill gotten gains.


  1. A single idea, every 50, 60, or 70 years, seems to be about it from some groups. Thinking is hard! Finger-pointing takes almost no effort, you really don't even have to raise your arm.

  2. Back in Gingrich's day it was the Republicans who had all the ideas and Democrats who didn't have many.

    I don't see any particular virtue in having ideas. It's good ideas we want.
